Friday Facepalm: 22 Fails to Sum Up This Week's Foolishness
This week has seen plenty of funny failures, and here are some of the worst.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
This week has seen plenty of funny failures, and here are some of the worst.
You don't have to be an Einstein to see that the world is in a bad spot right now, and we won't even get into the biggest reason why. But despite ignoring the world's current biggest news, there is still plenty of cringe to point out, and hopefully laugh about. For example, the singer Billy Eilish claimed that she doesn't think men face criticism for their bodies, be they short, tall, thick or thin. Any man who has ever been on a dating app and seen "Six foot or over only" knows that isn't true, but Eilish was homeschooled, so I suppose she never actually got to experience what people say to each other in high school.
In other news, MGK wants to play Link in a possible upcoming The Legend of Zelda live action movie. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of dedicated fans would rather sip their partners you know what than see that happen. Oh, and Elon Musk is in trouble because he apparently hates bright colors. Here are those, and 19 other facepalmable fails from the past week.